Fri. Mar 14th, 2025
With a little more than a month remaining to cast a vote, the “Power Play Goals for Kids” promotion continues with a lake area cause in the running to receive a jackpot of funding.
Dave Shipp, from Kids Harbor, says Ameren-Missouri has four worthwhile causes on the short list of recipients to benefit from the promotion.
“What happens is every time the Blues get a power play goal, they will donate $500 to this pot. The charity that receives the most votes from the public will receive that pot.”
The other charities included in the promotion include St. Louis B-Works, Eye Thrive and Lift for Life Gym…all in St. Louis. The charities not receiving the most votes will still receive $1,000 donations from the promotion.
You can vote for Kid’s Harbor by linking onto
You can submit one vote per day from each email address.
As of the weekend, the Blues have scored nine power play goals for a current pot of $4,500 built up so far.