Mon. Mar 10th, 2025
All this month is National Pedestrian Safety Month.
The goal of the month, according to the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, is to raise awareness about the importance of pedestrian safety.
In 2022 alone, NHTSA says there were more than 7,500 pedestrians killed in traffic crashes marking a zero-point-seven percent increase from 2021. It’s also the highest number of pedestrian fatalities since 1981 when more than 7,800 pedestrians died in accidents.
To put into perspective, the 2022 numbers report, on average, a pedestrian was killed every 70 minutes while other pedestrians were injured every eight minutes
NHTSA’s Safe System Approach consists of five objectives: safer people, safer speeds, safer roads, safer vehicles and post-crash care.
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October is National Pedestrian Safety Month. To raise awareness of how important pedestrian safety is, the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), Region 7, which includes Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska, is urging drivers to slow down and be alert for pedestrians. Walking should always be an easy and safe option for getting around any community.
Unfortunately, in 2022 there were 7,522 pedestrians killed in traffic crashes, a 0.7-percent increase from the 7,470 pedestrian fatalities in 2021. This is the highest number of pedestrian fatalities since 1981, when 7,837 pedestrians died in traffic crashes. Additionally, there were an estimated 67,336 pedestrians injured in traffic crashes in 2022, an 11-percent increase from 60,579 pedestrians injured in 2021. On average, a pedestrian was killed every 70 minutes and injured every 8 minutes in traffic crashes in 2022. Sadly, pedestrian deaths accounted for 18% of all traffic fatalities and 3% of all people injured in traffic crashes in 2022.
The personal, physical, and environmental benefits of walking can lead to safer, healthier, and cleaner streets. Walking can also improve local economies and enhance social and community engagement, which can lead to more vibrant, resilient, and livable spaces.
For many Americans, Halloween is the highlight of October. Drivers should be aware that on Halloween evening, there will likely be more pedestrians on the roads and in unexpected places. Families will be trick-or-treating with smaller children who may be unaware of surrounding traffic and quick to dart into the street. Remember: Slower speeds save lives. NHTSA encourages local communities to schedule safety events and corresponding messages about the importance of safe road use when driving around pedestrians.
Everyone shares in the responsibility for road safety. NHTSA urges communities to adopt the Safe System Approach, which is a comprehensive plan that helps prevent crashes from happening and minimizes the injury to those involved in crashes that do occur. Ultimately, it’s about making communities safer for everyone. The plan has five objectives:
“Walking is one of the best things you can do for both your mental and physical health, and also for the environment,” said NHTSA Regional Administrator Susan DeCourcy. “We want to help ensure that pedestrians in our communities are safe on the sidewalks, crossing the street — anywhere that people walk, bike, or roll they should be able to do so without fear or stress. We urge drivers to take the time to look out for pedestrians, slow down, and incorporate pedestrian awareness into their driving routines.”
For more information about pedestrian safety, please visit