Thu. Mar 6th, 2025
With the start this week of the 102nd General Assembly, state lawmakers are looking forward to another busy session and the hundreds, if not thousands, of proposed new laws.
Republican Bill Hardwick, who represents part of Fort Leonard Wood and Pulaski County, says one main problem with getting substantive legislation passed deals with a watering down of proposed bills
“”One ongoing issue with the legislative process is the massive multi-subject omnibus bills. Missourians deserve for us to carefully debate and review how each line of the statutes impact their lives and that’s simply not happening when we rapidly put together a bill with hundreds of pages of amendments.””
Over 900 pieces of legislation have been filed, so far, in the House.
One of those bills, filed by Hardwick, would prohibit boaters from anchoring within 100-feet of a private dock or securing a vessel to a private dock EXCEPT during cases of bad weather and emergencies without, first, getting approval by the dock owner.
That bill has already been read twice and referred to committee.
This year’s regular session will close at the end of business on Friday, May 17th.
More from Representative Hardwick:
Jefferson City – This last Wednesday, January 3rd, the gavel fell at the dais and signaled the start of the Second Regular Session of the 102nd General Assembly. The Capitol once again was buzzing with activity as legislators and their staff filled the halls in preparation for another session of the Missouri legislature.
State Representative Bill Hardwick (R-Dixon) who serves as Chairman of the Committee on Emerging Issues, commented about one of the challenges lawmakers face with legislative procedures. “One ongoing issue with the legislative process is the massive multi-subject omnibus bills. Missourians deserve for us to carefully debate and review how each line of the statutes impact their lives and that’s simply not happening when we rapidly put together a bill with hundreds of pages of amendments.”
So far, over 900 pieces of legislation have been filed for this Session in the House. Of course, one issue that never goes away is the state budget and the funding for various state departments and projects. “I think it’s important we make sure Missouri has sound fiscal policy both for the near and long term horizon. That means in the long run decoupling ourselves from total dependence on the federal government,” Hardwick continued.
Representative Hardwick commented on his approach to state spending and the types of laws the legislature should be enacting. “Part of my philosophy as a conservative is we want less government control over our lives and more freedom for individuals and opportunity for families. So, what’s more important to me than creating new programs and bureaucracies is taking a stand to protect our freedoms.”
Legislators have until 6:00pm on May 17th to pass their legislative priorities at which time the 102nd Legislative Session will adjourn.