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Sprinkler Pipe Bursts At Lake West Chamber Offices

All News RSS Feed Business Tuesday, January 3rd, 2023

The show must go on the west side despite a sprinkler pipe bursting on Christmas Day and flooding the Lake West Chamber of Commerce office.

Director Mike Koenigsman says a temporary office has been set up in his home because it’s going to take a while to get the main office back open…“The cleanup looks like it could take about 3 months or so to get everything all cleaned up. It was pretty good damage.”

In the meantime, the best way to get in touch with the Lake West Chamber is by sending an email to director@lakewestchamber.com.

Koenigsman also says it’s just a bump in the road which could’ve been a lot worse…“We’re going to work through it and you know what, it’s one of those things where nobody got hurt so we’ll pick ourselves up and move forward.”

All News RSS Feed Business Tuesday, January 3rd, 2023

Reporter Mike Anthony