Wed. Mar 12th, 2025
With just hours to go before the 2024 Missouri General Assembly officially begins, one lake area representative is gearing up full throttle to put some more teeth into the state’s boating while intoxicated laws.
“We definitely need to increase the penalties on boating while intoxicated and heaven forbid, causing injury or death. As a result of that first time, penalties are just appallingly low. We need to get the word out so people are aware of that.”
Doctor Lisa Thomas, representing Camden County in the 123rd district, says the best way to reach that goal is to establish enforcement of B-W-I’s on the same level as D-W-I’s on our roadways.
“That will be talked about in boating circles. It will be talked about in recreational circles. It will be talked about. It will make an impact.”
At the current time, according to an online search of the Missouri House of Representatives and the Senate, no legislation has been pre-filed dealing with the issue to be considered during the course of the 2024 session.