
Fri. Mar 14th, 2025


Several Organizations Issue Letters Of Support For Amendment 3

A proposed amendment appearing on the November ballot, which if approved would end the state’s total abortion ban, receives a major endorsement.

Missouri-Constitutional-Freedom-dot-org announced in a press conference on Monday that more than 800 medical professionals across the state including 500 doctors have signed a letter endorsing passage of the amendment, they say, will put families back in charge of personal medical decisions.

Doctors Jennifer Smith, an OBGYN in St. Louis and Betsy Wickstrom, an OBGYN in Kansas City led discussion on the support for Amendment 3’s passage.

Passage of the amendment is also being supported by the A-C-L-U of Missouri while the Missouri G-O-P has denounced the Supreme Court’s decision to allow the amendment to remain on the statewide ballot.


Full report:

Over 800 medical professionals in Missouri have signed a letter endorsing Amendment 3, a proposed amendment that would end the state’s total abortion ban and put families, not politicians, back in charge of personal medical decisions. The letter was signed by 502 physicians as well as other types of health care providers across the entire state.

“In every corner of our state, Missouri medical professionals are proud to endorse Amendment 3 to end our state’s total abortion ban and give Missouri patients and their doctors the freedom to make their own decisions around pregnancy and abortion,” said Dr. Jennifer Smith, an OBGYN in St. Louis. “Doctors and health care providers like us are seeing the devastating consequences of the state’s ban, which has no exceptions for rape or incest. We’ve witnessed patients turned away from ERs, forced to delay care or else travel out of the state to get the care they need. On behalf of our patients, our fellow medical professionals, and all Missourians, we are saying YES on Amendment 3.”

Health care providers who violate Missouri’s abortion ban can be found guilty of a class B felony, resulting in five to 15 years of prison time and the suspension or revocation of their medical license.

“Doctors get to know our patients, their stories, their families, their concerns, and their hopes, and it is our sacred responsibility to care for them to the best of our abilities while protecting their privacy,” said Dr. Betsy Wickstrom, a Maternal Fetal Medicine specialist in Kansas City. “Missouri’s abortion ban stands directly in the way of us being able to do our jobs. It means politicians in Jefferson City may have more of a say in Missourians’ personal health care decisions than their own doctors. Regardless of how one personally feels about abortion, I think we can all agree that politicians should not have a say in our exam rooms. Voting YES on Amendment 3 will prevent that.”

To watch the full recording of the Press Call, please go here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NOyDFb18l72cPgqeMOWr_OzkcMqiy7PB/view?usp=sharing

For more information on Amendment 3, please visit moconstitutionalfreedom.org.


About Missourians for Constitutional Freedom

Missourians for Constitutional Freedom is a statewide coalition of organizations and concerned citizens working to ensure all Missourians have the power to make decisions about our own reproductive health care – including abortion, birth control, and miscarriage care – without interference from politicians. Learn more: www.moconstitutionalfreedom.org

About the Committee to Protect Health Care

The Committee to Protect Health Care is a national mobilization of doctors, health care professionals, and advocates who are building a pro-patient health care majority in Congress and in states so that we can live in an America where everyone has the health care they need to thrive. To learn more: www.committeetoprotect.org

Reporter John Rogger