Wed. Mar 12th, 2025
Now that the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission has officially approved the fiscal 2024-2028 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program, how will it affect the lake area…?
MoDOT Central District Area Engineer Danny Roeger says, like the rest of the state, it could be slim pickens for projects because of what’s referred to as “project inflation.”
“Unfortunately, with project inflation and increased project cost, this stip won’t have nearly as much in it or added to it from previous year’s updates. So project inflation is kind of eating away at our later years, in our rolling five year plan.”
Roeger also says, as it stands right now, the 2024-2028 STIP will fully fund the first three years with funding to be cut down to 50-percent for the 4th and 5th years.
That, according to Roeger, will give MoDOT flexibility to push some projects in the final two years of the STIP up sooner than later.