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MO Senator Hawley On TikTok Ban For Government Owned Devices

All News RSS Feed Politics State News Saturday, December 17th, 2022

Missouri’s U-S Senator Josh Hawley spoke on the Senate floor Thursday the U-S Senate’s unanimous vote on his bill to ban TikTok on all government-owned and operated smart phones, computers and other devices.

He told fellow senators that never has the security threat to the American people from the Chinese Communist Party been more grave.

Hawley has also been blocking Biden administration nominees in recent days…including one to fill the post of U.S. Navy Comptroller citing unanswered questions about the Biden Afghanistan pullout and the deaths of several service-people including one from Missouri….Lance Cpl. Jarod Schmitts…

“We’re still waiting for answers. So NO, I’m not willing to pretend that everything is fine at the Pentagon. Everything is NOT fine at the Pentagon and I’m not willing to say that business should go on as usual, and NO….I’m not willing to waive the rules of regular order, and expedite nominations without even a vote on the floor of this Senate.”

Earlier in the week Hawley blocked a judicial nomination because of the same concerns.

All News RSS Feed Politics State News Saturday, December 17th, 2022

Reporter KRMS Newsroom