Wed. Mar 12th, 2025
The Missouri Senate focuses on water exportation outside the state.
Monday afternoon sees time spent on Senate Bill 782.
Senator Jason Bean of Holcomb is the sponsor.
He tells his colleagues this measure would create provisions relating to water exportation outside the state…
“Withdraw water from any water source for export, outside of the state of Missouri, unless such person holds a water exportation permit from the Department of Natural Resources.”
Proponents say there is currently no permitting process to export water outside of the Show-Me State.
During discussion on the floor of the Missouri Senate, Sen. Tracy McCreery of St. Louis County mentioned she was initially against this proposal…
“I would share this with you, that I thought we needed to do some work before it was ready for the floor….to talk about who would also have oversight and say on said permit.”
Senate Bill 782 has been set aside for future talks.
There is only one month left in the 2024 regular legislative session.
Session will end on May 17.