Thu. Mar 13th, 2025
The Lake Regional Health System is hoping you’ll mark your calendar to be part of a tradition which started some 14 years ago.
Director of Philanthropy Trish Creach says the Scrub “Fun/Run/Walk” event this year is marked for May 6th and will take place at the hospital.
It’s also a fundraiser according to Creach as the health system tries to keep up-to-date with the times.
“There’s a number of initiatives that are in place…we’re putting an emphasis on technology as we evolve into telemedicine and virtual medicine.”
Participation will feature several different age divisions with the run to start at 8:00 that morning followed by the walk, plus a free pancake breakfast for those who hit the pavement for the cause.
More information about the scrub-run-walk is available below:
Join local health care heroes and run or walk in the Lake Regional Scrub Run on Saturday, May 6, at Lake Regional Hospital in Osage Beach. Registration is open now at
“Now in its 14th year, Lake Regional’s annual fun run/walk has a new name,” said Jody Corpe, M.S., E.P., manager of Lake Regional Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation. “To celebrate our clinical team members, we’re inviting them to run the 5K in their scrubs, and we invite the community to run or walk alongside these health care heroes.”
Check-in begins at 7 a.m. in Parking Lot A near the hospital’s main entrance. The 5K run begins at 8 a.m. and will follow a course from the hospital down Osage Beach Parkway. The walk will start immediately after the run begins and will follow a one-mile course around the hospital.
The race will use chip timing. Medals will be awarded to the top male and female runners in the following age divisions: 12 and under; 13 through 18; 19 through 29; 30 through 39; 40 through 49; 50 through 59; and 60 and older.
Chris Cakes will provide a $5 all-you-can-eat pancake breakfast. Serving will begin at 8 a.m., and the breakfast is free to paid run/walk participants, as well as children 5 years old and younger.
The registration fee is $30 for runners and walkers to receive a commemorative T-shirt or $20 without a T-shirt. The T-shirt registration deadline is Friday, April 21. Online registration and printable registration forms are available at or by contacting Lake Regional Public Relations at 573-348-8222.
All funds raised through the Lake Regional Scrub Run will benefit Lake Regional Health System.