
Wed. Mar 12th, 2025


Lake Regional Hospice to Conduct Butterfly Release to Remember All Who’ve Been in Hospice Care

Remembering those who have passed on before us…the main purpose behind a butterfly release coming up in August in Osage Beach.

Mitch Shields, Community Liaison for Lake Regional Health System, says it’s a free event which is being put on by Lake Regional’s Hospice Program with participation open to anyone who has used hospice care whether through Lake Regional or elsewhere.

“We just want this to be a healing time for people. It’s a neat event, as it says….It’s a butterfly release. So if you can imagine butterflies in a net….like a little cage and then they release them and then they fly off. And symbolically, there is something about it…for people, there is closure with that.”

Music and some light refreshments will also be part of the event.

The Butterfly Release, the second annual, will be on Saturday, August 26th, at Lake Regional.

It’ll start at 9:00 that morning.


***Full Details:

If you are grieving a loved one — whether the loss was recent or years ago — Lake Regional Hospice invites you to honor their memory at the Lake Regional Memorial Butterfly Release at 9 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 26, outside Lake Regional Hospital, 54 Hospital Drive, Osage Beach.

“When people lose someone, they often wish for more opportunities to talk about that person and to share how much they meant — and continue to mean — to them,” said Lake Regional Chaplain Rick Herald. “This Memorial Butterfly Release is a chance for people to have those conversations with others walking a similar path.”

This free event is open to all, regardless of whether their loved one used hospice. It will include music, poetry, reflections, a remembrance using loved ones’ names, a benediction and a beautiful butterfly release. Many attendees will bring pictures of their loved ones to share. Light refreshments will be provided.

“This is a time to gather with others who empathize with what you have been through and to reconnect with Lake Regional Hospice nurses and staff if you used this service,” said April Jeffries, BSN, R.N., CHPN, clinical manager of Lake Regional Home Health and Hospice. “Come alone or with family and friends. Children are welcome.”

Those who would like to support Lake Regional Health System may submit donations at lakeregional.com/DonateNow. Those who give $25 or more may submit a loved one’s name for the event program. Please submit donations by Thursday, Aug. 17, to be included on the program, and please use the comment box at the bottom of the form to provide your loved one’s name.

Hospice provides what the majority of Americans say they want at the end of life — the chance to spend their time at home, with support for them and their family members. Learn more and read Jennifer Newman’s journey through hospice with her husband, Eric, at lakeregional.com/Butterfly.

Reporter Mike Anthony