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Lake Regional Health Officials Are Trying To Get A Head Start On Heart Month

All News RSS Feed Health Thursday, January 12th, 2023

Lake Regional Health System is getting a head-start on American Heart Month – which is always the month of February – by releasing some reminders on how to maintain your “heart health.”

Cardiopulmonary Manager at Lake Regional Jody Corpe says knowing your average blood pressure is a good start.

While high B.P. otherwise known as “hypertension” is often called “the silent killer” – there ARE some warning signs you should be aware of…

“You can be on the lookout for frequent headache, episodes of light headedness or dizziness, feeling anxious or over anxious about things that you shouldn’t feel overanxious about things that really you just really need to concentrate on how you feel at a baseline level and then kind of look at how often am I having these headaches? Am I getting dizzy more frequently also? And you mentioned it as well, seeing your doctor or on a regular basis.”

Corpe is also urging women to turn out on Friday February 3rd for a free event called “Go Red for Women” being held at the hospital in Osage Beach .

And the annual Lake Regional Cardiovascular Screening Day will be held at the hospital on Saturday February 18th.


***More info:

Receive free and low-cost screenings to check for heart disease at Lake Regional‘s cardiovascular screening on Saturday, Feb. 18.

The screening will take place from 7:30 to 10 a.m. in the hospital’s third floor conference rooms. Registration is required, and participants will receive an appointment time.

Appointments are limited, so register early at lakeregional.com/LoveYourHeart.

Participants will receive free screenings for body mass index and blood pressure. Also available will be a $5 fasting blood sugar test, a $7 lipid (cholesterol) profile and a limited number of $25 pocket EKGs.

Participants will sign up for an EKG at the screening. Fasting is necessary 12 to 14 hours in advance of lipid and blood sugar tests. Water and prescribed medications may be consumed during the fast.

For more information, call Lake Regional Public Relations at 573-348-8222 or visit lakeregional.com/LoveYourHeart.

To learn more about cardiovascular services available at Lake Regional, visit lakeregional.com/HeartCare.

All News RSS Feed Health Thursday, January 12th, 2023

Reporter KRMS Newsroom