
Wed. Mar 12th, 2025


Lake Ozark BOA Meeting Tonight At 530PM Looking At ATV & UTVS On City Roads

By the time tonight comes to an end, it could be legal to operate off-highway and utility vehicles within the Lake Ozark city limits.

A second reading to amend the current ordinance prohibiting the use of such vehicles appears on the agenda for today’s board of aldermen meeting.

Provisions of the amended ordinance would allow special permits to be issued for the use of such vehicles on city streets with speed limits 45 miles per hour and slower, and only between the hours of sunrise and sunset.

The ordinance also prohibits the operation of off-highway and utility vehicles while under the influence of alcohol or any controlled substance.

The Lake Ozark Board of Aldermen meeting, later today in City Hall, begins at 5:30.

Reporter Mike Anthony