Wed. Mar 12th, 2025
Without a presidential primary election this year in Missouri, the Camden County Republican Club continues to gear up to make sure that the county is represented when it comes time for the national G-O-P to choose a presidential candidate.
Republican Club President Les Larson says caucus training is coming up right around the corner on Thursday, the 15th of this month.
“It’s run by the central committee. It’s going to be at the third floor in the courthouse. 06:00 so you can come and learn about it before you actually go to the caucus.”
Larson also says the caucus is just the first step in the overall process to making sure the lake area has a voice on the national level.
“What’s happening in the Camden county here is we’ll do the caucus. We’ll get, elect seven delegates that represent Camden county, and then they’ll go to the state convention. And then out of the state convention, there’s delegates that are elected that go to the national GOP election.”
The Camden County Republican Caucus, again in the administration building in Camdenton, begins with the doors opening at 8am before closing up tight at 10:00am.
No late arrivals will be allowed into the caucus.