Fri. Mar 14th, 2025
Life expectancy in Lake Area counties varies significantly in the latest analysis done for U.S. News and World Report.
Camden County’s average is tops at 80.2 years which is 3.6 years higher than the Missouri average of 76.6 years.
And Miller County is above the statewide curve.
Life expectancy there comes in at 77.2 years which is 1.2 years above the state average.
There are lowered expectations in Pulaski County at 75.6 years or a year below the state average.
Then come Benton County at 75-point-2 years, Morgan County at 74.6 years and the lowest life expectancy in the Lake Area is in Laclede County where the report says it averages 3 full years below the state norm at 73.6 years.