Wed. Mar 12th, 2025
The department of transportation is reminding motorists that impacts can be expected when the bridge replacement project begins over Goodwin Hollow Creek near Bennett Spring State Park.
“This is the bridge just west of Lebanon at on 64. So if you are commuting to the park, expect to use the sign detour. And we’ll have some wayfinding signs directing you to the park itself.”
Central District Area Engineer Danny Roeger also says the 92-year-old bridge is nearing its end and work is imminent but it’s not expected to affect the opening day of trout season.
“That allows for opening day of trout season in the first couple months or so to be open. So for those that like to fish in the spring and from opening day on to Memorial Day, you’ll be free and clear for access to the park.”
The work will take 6-7 months and cost about $2.3 million.