Thu. Mar 13th, 2025
An Eldon teenager is injured after a one-car crash just after 10:30 Thursday morning on highway-87 near Boulder Road in Miller County.
The highway patrol says the car driven by 18-year-old Davin Duhe ran off the road before returning to the road and running off the opposite side before striking a sign and overturning.
Duhe was wearing a seat belt and escaped with minor injuries.
He was treated at Lake Regional.
A 35-year-old man from Gravois Mills is injured when a blow-out sends the vehicle he was driving off highway-5 north of Gravois Heights Road before striking a couple signs.
The highway patrol says Nicholas Marriott was wearing a seat belt and suffered minor injuries.
He was treated at Lake Regional Hospital.
A chain-reaction accident on U-S-65 at the Osage River Bridge in Benton County sends two people to the emergency room.
The highway patrol says it happened just after 8:15 Thursday morning when 52-year-old James Phillips, of Warsaw, hit the vehicle from behind driven by 65-year-old Gerald Shields, of Edwards, who was pushed into a Porsche driven by 69-year-old Michael Paul, of Sedalia.
Phillips suffered moderate injuries while his two-year-old passenger suffered minor injuries.
Both were taken to Lake Regional.