Tue. Mar 18th, 2025
The City of Osage Beach taps into KRMS Radio and TV to fill a spot on the city’s planning commission.
The appointment came up during last week’s meeting with Mayor Michael Harmison suggesting to the board of aldermen that Luke Hagedorn should be approved to fill the vacancy.
“Luke has been around the the area for quite a while. He’s been our citizens advisory committee and we had a position open for for this position and I met with him, talk with him about it. I think it’d be a fine candidate.”
After a brief discussion, it was time for the board to make the appointment official.
“Vote to to approve. Alderman Hoffman, Alderman Borella, second. All those in favor. Aye. All right. Congratulations, Luke.”
Hagedorn replaces planning commission member Bill Morgan who moved out of the city.
Hagedorn’s appointment is good until the position comes up again for appointment, or re-appointment, in 2026.