Wed. Mar 12th, 2025
Landowners and community members serviced by the Sho-Me Power Electric Cooperative are invited to be part of an open house get-together to talk about the future of Lake Niangua.
Lake Niangua is a 360 acre hydroelectric lake along the Niangua River in southern Camden County.
In question is a notice and draft application filed by Sho-Me with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, or FERC, seeking to surrender the project’s license by decommissioning the project and ceasing any further power generation.
Sho-Me is proposing the dam, powerhouse and the lake remain place for the adjacent landowners and the public.
State and Federal resource agencies, however, are advocating for FERC to consider removing the dam and draining Lake Niangua.
The Lake Niangua Open House, at the Tunnel Dam Cabin, will take place this Wednesday, May 10th, from 12:00-1:30pm and again on Thursday, the 11th, from 5:30-7:00pm.