
Fri. Mar 14th, 2025


EMS Week Continues Cross The Country And The Lake Area

All this week is aside in the lake area and nationwide to recognize those men and women who most often are the first to administer medical care in the case of an emergency call.

The American College of Emergency Physicians is teaming up with the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians, or E-M-T’s, to promote the national campaign with a theme, this year, of: Where Emergency Care Begins.

Sunday was specifically designated as Health, Wellness and Resilience Day while Monday was E-M-S Education Day.

Tuesday was designated as E-M-S Safety Day, Wednesday is E-M-S for Children Day, Thursday is designated as Save-A-Life Day along with C-P-R and National Stop the Bleed Day, and Friday is designated as E-M-pS Recognition Day.

This year’s E-M-S Week is the 49th annual after first being authorized in 1974 by President Gerald Ford.

Reporter Mike Anthony