Mon. Mar 3rd, 2025
Here’s a look at the area election results…..
In Camden County there were only two locally contested races.
Republican Jeff Vernetti ran away for the 123rd House seat 17,185 to 5,256 over Democrat Nancy Bates.
And for sheriff, Republican Chris Edgar bested Patrick Cochran with a vote total of 19,496-3,942.
Issues in Camden County had the Camden County Ambulance proposition pass 8,459-5,161 while the Mid-County Fire District operating levy issue was approved 3,790-3,567.
Voters in Camden County, for their part, also rejected Prop-A plus each of the statewide constitutional amendments except for the voting amendment.
In Morgan County there were no contested races and only one local issue to vote on.
That issue being the Tipton School district bond with 213 no votes and 192 yes votes…Moniteau County numbers need to be added for a final result.
And voters in Morgan County also rejected each of the constitutional amendments with the exception of #7 dealing with voting restrictions. Prop-A was also rejected by Morgan County voters.
In Benton County, there were a handful of elections that took place on Tuesday.
Most of them were uncontested, with Scott Harms winning for the North District Commissioner and Sheriff Eric Knox retaining his position.
In the South District Commissioner seat, it was Larry Berry defeating Mark Breshears.
The positions of Assessor, Coroner, Surveyor and Public Administrator were also not contested.
Voters in Benton also voted for Mark Alford, Rodger Reedy and Jim Kalberloh in their respective State & US Representative districts.
In Miller County there was only one contested race with Don Mayhew receiving 9,661 votes to Tara Hallmark’s 2,007 votes enroute to a total vote count of 15,636 to Hallmark’s 3,246 in the 124th House seat race.
Proposition-U, imposing a local use tax in St. Elizabeth passed 137-22.
And also in Miller County voters rejected each of the constitutional amendments plus Proposition-A with the exception of Amendment-7 which makes the state constitution consistent with state law to ban non-U-S-citizens from voting and prohibiting the concept of ranked choice voting.