Mon. Mar 10th, 2025
Two lake area residents on a mission are able to complete a 32-hour paddleboard trip covering 93-miles from Truman Dam to Bagnell Dam…and, for the great majority of the time, without stopping or sleeping.
Speaking on KRMS Radio, 38-year-old Jordan Ryder says attempting such a feat has been in his mind for sometime which just recently become a no-brainer in light of the Phylicia Carson pursuit-related death.
“When that tragedy happened with Officer Carson, I just thought, man, this would be a great opportunity to use this challenge to raise awareness, raise funds for that family and do it for a good cause rather than just do it for fun and for a challenge. So that’s kind of how that developed.”
Ryder and his paddleboarding partner, 32-year-old Tanner Parr, started the journey from near Truman Dam at 12:44 last Friday morning going all the way through to its finish at Bagnell Dam Saturday night.
Ryder and Parr did not expect the overall support received from the community.