Fri. Mar 14th, 2025
Year-to-date traffic accidents continue to outpace numbers from 2022 in the City of Camdenton.
In his report to be presented next week to the board of aldermen, Chief Jeffrey Beauchamp says 20 accidents were reported in September bringing the year-to-date number to 4,071 compared to 3,534 at the same time last year…or an increase of about 15-percent.
Most of the accidents continue to happen along east highway-54 with the great majority of them being blamed on following too closely and failure to yield.
Officers in Camdenton also conducted 97 vehicle stops in September issuing 99 traffic violation warnings and 25 summonses.
There were also 31 school resource calls for service and arrestable offenses with another 26 calls for non-arrestable offenses.