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Camdenton Looking At Another Year Being Financially Healthy

All News RSS Feed Politics Top Stories Friday, August 30th, 2024

If all goes according to plan, the City of Camdenton will remain financially healthy through, at least, the 2024-2025 fiscal year.

That’s according to a budget proposal to be introduced to the board of aldermen for its consideration.

The city anticipates an estimated operating balance fund of around $13.5-million when October 1st of this year rolls around. Combine it with $8.6-million budgeted revenue and just shy of $8-million in expenses for the year and it translates to an expected $14.2-million in the black by the end of the projected fiscal year next September-2025.

A first reading on the proposed budget is expected during next Tuesday’s regular board of aldermen meeting.

It begins in city hall at 6:00.

All News RSS Feed Politics Top Stories Friday, August 30th, 2024

Reporter Mike Anthony