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Missouri STIP Officially Approved With A 5 Year Program For The Show Me State

All News RSS Feed Front Page News State News Friday, July 14th, 2023

The Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission officially puts its stamp of approval on the Fiscal Years 2024-2028 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program.

The five-year program includes funding from General Revenue as passed by the General Assembly and signed by Governor Mike Parson making available nearly $14-billion of federal and state revenues for all modes of transportation.

That 14-billion is broken down to include $10.4 billion for road and bridge construction contractor awards with $1.2-billion expected to take care of inflation impacts.

The STIP draft released in June, covering maintenance improvements to some 34-thousand roadway miles and 10,400 bridges across the state, received 72 public comments.

stip approved

All News RSS Feed Front Page News State News Friday, July 14th, 2023

Reporter Mike Anthony